Maintenance Work
Thursday Morning Communion
Walk with the cross
St Peter’s Chapel, a uniquely spiritual place that is the focus for people all over the world.
Here you can learn about the Chapel. The Chapel is open during the day to visitors. We hope the website will give you a flavour of its wonder and its history.
We hold a 9am Communion service on the last Thursday in the month and every Thursday during July and August. During the winter months please check the diary page as dates may change without notice.
If you follow this link you will find all the services available.
We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. The parish PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website
Our parish safeguarding officer is Graeme Eyre who may be contacted at St Thomas' church or by sending him an email.
The Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, East End Road, Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex, CM0 7PN